AMP YOUR STYLE IN 60 SECONDS : #4 Three Quick Tips to Look Instantly Stylish

There are many ways you can build a great collection of clothing, that you will actually  wear.  There's three great components you can start with. Quality over quantity, comfort and wearability. Tick these boxes and you'll find it much easier to create outfits that make you feel confident and stylish, whilst getting your money's worth!

Quality over Quantity

It's way better to have a few exceptional pieces that you a: love and that b: work with the rest of your clothing.  When you're building the foundation of your wardrobe, focus less on trends and more on timeless classics.  We're talking the classic white button down shirt, the great fitting jeans, a tailored blazer..... the list goes on. You'll find some great inspiration boards for capsule wardrobes on Pinterest, with hints and tips on items for all seasons.

Comfort & Fit

When buying clothing, learn to walk away from styles that you love but that don't "fit" right.  Notice I didn't talk about the size but the fit.  If a nipped in waist jacket nips in where it shouldn't or a shirt doesn't fit across the chest, don't buy it. You'll ultimately gravitate towards clothing that you know fits you well, and as a result, makes you feel confident. Feeling confident is a huge component to looking great, so don't thwart this in being compelled to purchase styles that just don't FIT. 


Let's say you've invested some hard earned coin into building your capsule wardrobe and you have a collection of beautiful pieces.  Only now you have the fear that in actually wearing them, you'll spoil them.  Don't save your best items "for best" and get out there and wear them!  If they make you feel confident, your day will be so much better for just feeling good. And let's face it, life is tough enough.  Wear the clothes.